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Do you want to develop the capacities inside yourself, your teams, and your educational system(s) to educate for the well-being and thriving of all life? And do you want to build your capacity to regenerate and transform educational systems from within? Then the Developmental Community for Regenerative Educators might very well be your place to be.

Ready to take a deep dive into what it means to think regeneratively about education, educational systems, and your own unique role? We regularly organize intensives where we collaboratively ground ourselves in and explore regenerative principles and frameworks.

Longing for someone who stands next to you as you take your regenerative leadership to a higher level within your unique educational context? Or looking for someone who can work with your team or whole-institute in pursuit of regenerative potentials and strategies? We’re ready to be of service.

With the SRE we work from a set of core virtues and agreements that we believe are essential to showing up and collaborating regeneratively. We showcase presence, love, and courage in our endeavors to integrate regeneration into our education. We invite you to take a look at our grounding principles before applying for one of the offerings. 



School of Regenerative Educators 

The Netherlands

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